English Learner Reclassification:
Reclassification: The process through which students who have been identified as English learners are reclassified to fluent English proficient (RFEP) when they have demonstrated that they are able to compete effectively with English-speaking peers in mainstream classes.
Reclassification Criteria (per Ed. Code 313[d]) – grades 1-8:
1. Performance in Basic Grade-Level Skills including the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CASPP) System, when applicable.
Grades 1-8:
2. Assessment of student English language proficiency using an objective instrument such as the English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC).
3. Teacher Evaluation (progress reports/report card)
4. Parent Consultation and Notification. Parents will be notified in writing about the reclassification criteria and their child’s academic performance.
Reclassification Criteria Matrix (1-8)
Parents Guide to Understanding ELPAC
Reclassification: The process through which students who have been identified as English learners are reclassified to fluent English proficient (RFEP) when they have demonstrated that they are able to compete effectively with English-speaking peers in mainstream classes.
Reclassification Criteria (per Ed. Code 313[d]) – grades 1-8:
1. Performance in Basic Grade-Level Skills including the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CASPP) System, when applicable.
Grades 1-8:
- “Nearly Met”, “Met” or “Exceeded” score on the latest summative District adopted curriculum assessment; or
- (2) A grade of “C-” or better in English Language Arts on the latest grade level report card.
2. Assessment of student English language proficiency using an objective instrument such as the English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC).
- Overall score of 4 and scores of 3 or higher in all domains.
3. Teacher Evaluation (progress reports/report card)
- Grades 1-8: a grade of “C-” or better at grade level in English Language Arts on the latest grade level report card.
4. Parent Consultation and Notification. Parents will be notified in writing about the reclassification criteria and their child’s academic performance.
Reclassification Criteria Matrix (1-8)
Parents Guide to Understanding ELPAC